The ColorText Brain Teaser

This is based on a little brain teaser i found posted on a wall at Murchison Middle School, in Austin, Texas, USA. The point is to say the name of the color of each word, and not the color named by the word. So if you saw Blue you would say "Red". I strongly recommend you do this aloud in front of someone who can see the page and check you. You're likely not to notice when you make a mistake. Just press your browser's "reload" button to make a new puzzle.

Purple Gray Pink Blue Pink White Pink
Green White Orange Pink Purple Blue Pink
Gray Pink Purple Blue Red Yellow White
Orange Blue Yellow Green Yellow Red Green
Gray Blue Orange Blue Red Green Orange
Purple Gray White Gray Pink Orange Red
Green Gray Red Yellow Blue Pink Orange
Purple White Red White Purple Gray Purple
Yellow Blue Red Green Blue Purple Gray
Yellow White Red Orange Blue Orange Yellow

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