Faculty | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Ruth Eberz (ret. Matamoras Elementary) | rutheberz@hotmail.com | |
Roger Ericson (DVHS music) | shirleye@ezaccess.net | |
Gene McLaughlin (DVHS English) | bonehill@ptd.net | |
Tom Miller (ex DVHS) | tlfalcon@warwick.net | |
Scott D. Palermo (ex DVMS Guidance Counselor) | pjsped@warwick.net | |
Susan Breyer Sewall (DVMS Science) | sewallsb@warwick.net | |
Paul Smith (DVHS Computer Science) | psmith@postoffice.ptd.net | DV World |
Class of 1960 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Jeanne (née Arnold) Chase | jchase@cyberportal.net | |
Class of 1961 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Francis L. "Junie" Hall | fshall@warwick.net | |
Class of 1963 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Richard F. Arnold | rarnold@prolog.net | |
Class of 1964 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Eugene A. Brandner | eab@ufl.edu | |
Class of 1965 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Ling Brennan | Lingbren@juno.com | |
Mike Brennan | schabby@webspan.net | |
Barbara (née Cleveland) Walters | bwawa@warwick.net | |
Jerome "Jerry" D. Kroger | ratepro@ratepro.net | http://www.ratepro.net |
Class of 1966 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Linda L. (née Hall) Arnold | larnold@prolog.net | |
Carol (née McPeek) Losee | PeekABoo@warwick.net | |
Barbara (née Nikles) Groh | bgroh@pikeonline.net | |
Gerard R. Steedman | GSSPUNKY@aol.com | |
Class of 1967 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Karl Schneck, Jr. | schneck@warwick.net | |
Cathy (née Zenes) Kaufman | tomncath@warwick.net | emdial911's Home Page |
Class of 1968 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Ken & Teri Vandermark Sr. | caveman@warwick.net | |
Class of 1971 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Dayne D. Losee | PeekABoo@warwick.net | |
Jim Luhrs | lurej@magiccarpet.com | |
Class of 1972 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Arthur L. Zulick | laurcin@postoffice.ptd.net | |
Class of 1973 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Vicki Lore | victorydave@webtv.net | |
Linda F. Luckey | luvbird@gte.net | |
Wendy (née Mitchell) Luhrs | lurej@magiccarpet.com | |
Class of 1974 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Helen Roberts | hxroberts@aol.com, helen_roberts@es.adp.com | |
Class of 1975 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Albert Ursich | ALU1@webtv.net, Albert_Ursich@ccmail.sgo.sony.com | |
Class of 1976 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Lewis Zulick | AZulick@aol.com | |
Class of 1977 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Sandy Beecher | sdbthree@ptd.net | |
Anthony P. Cavallaro | baggio@ptdprolog.net | |
Ed Chamberlain | Cardkeep@warwick.net | |
Jo-Allyson (née Jackley) Oliver | patriot@blazenet.net | |
Stanley Kramer | skramer@dycon.com | |
Art Lyons | lyons@pikeonline.net | |
Bill & Debbie Wilson | bdwilson@whidbey.net | |
Class of 1978 - DV High Class of '78 (future http://www.dvhigh.com/) | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Rick Boby | rboby@ptdprolog.net | |
Suzanne Case | scase@kraft.com | |
Sally Cooney | sacooney@erols.com | |
Dave Goble | gogo4@warwick.net | |
Don Goodman | skiblast@msn.com | |
Bruce Hild | bhild@ps.uga.edu | |
Bill Hofeldt | wholfeldt@aol.com | |
Darcy Kolvenbach | dbrodmer@miseri.edu | |
Terri Lapriore | spagano@pikeonline.net | |
Steve Quick | steven8@warwick.net | |
Mike Retallick | mdretallick@worldnet.att.net | |
Cam Reed | creed@enviropath.com | |
Juliann (née Schaffer) Schaffer-Edwards | dan@mindspring.com | |
Luke Scott | lukesudds@aol.com | |
Sheri Sletner | byteme@warwick.net | |
John Strunk | jjstrunk@aol.com | |
Jenny Ridley (Case) | mcase01@ibm.net | |
Colleen Egan (Huff) | toots77@postoffice.ptd.net | |
Class of 1979 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Thomas Bauman | tbauman@guardianlife.com | |
Eve "Pippi" (née Eberz) Houseknecht | pippi2@earthlink.net | PipVille |
Nancy (née Prigge) Fish | nafish@noln.com | |
Linda (née Prigge) Prigge-Agasar | Agasar@aol.com | |
Class of 1980 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Susan (née Haas) Chambliss | jcor@dellnet.com | |
Bryan Slone | bksll@ix.netcom.com | |
Corey Studsrud | CLStudsrud@pikeonline.net | |
Kathy (née Van Why) Keyes | kjkeyes@bellsouth.net | |
Class of 1982 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Elaine (née Eberz) Koch | elaine.koch@selective.com | |
Paul Lyon | paullyon@epix.net | |
Carol Muniz, née Schneck | muniz@access.mountain.net | |
Paula (née Skinner) Buston | pbuston@wyoming.com | |
Class of 1983 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
David Paul Eberz | dtank23@yahoo.com | TankLand |
Adrienne Wall/Dath | Dnirophile@aol.com | |
Class of 1984 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Joe Bento | jbento1@home.comjbento1@home.com | |
James Cunningham | jwc3usmc@home.com | |
Dio Santos | dio2@home.com | Fulyn DeRane (American Band), Xaque (International Band) |
Class of 1985 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Lisa Fife | Lisa_Fife@ml.com | |
Matthew Siracuse | matthew.siracuse@db.com | |
Class of 1986 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Jeanine Conklin | conklin@ppg.com | |
Jeffrey Hall | Jeff.Hall@mci.com | |
Fred Hunt | frhunt@warwick.net or fhunt@hotmail.com | |
Ian Knox | u1005879@warwick.net | |
Bob Rogers | BRogers@TimesShamrock.com | |
Michael Frederick Stitik | tugboats@pilot.infi.net | |
Jennifer (née Woolley) Woolley-Jackson | jackjenn@nortelnetworks.com | |
Class of 1987 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Michelle (née Arnold) Custis | MCustis1@aol.com | |
Jay Edwards | JayREII@aol.com | |
Kathleen "Kathy" Marinaccio | Brainfish@aol.com | homepage |
Luann (née Myers) List | Abramsseed@aol.com | |
Mike Perez | Mapere@aol.com | |
Laura Sletner | eyebyte@webtv.net | |
Karl M. Weckstrom | kweckstrom@hotmail.com | ice-nine.org |
Class of 1988 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Joseph "Joey" Francis Corcoran | saxon914@hotmail.com | |
Daryl S. Gregory | darylgregory@usa.net or dgregory@cellone.net | |
Phillip M. Eberz | ojo@ojohaven.com | OjoHaven |
Steve Gilbert | sgilbert@pacd13cutters.uscg.mil | |
Lorraine Hayden | lghayden@unity.ncsu.edu | |
Ralph Ingrassia | rjingrassia@hotmail.com | |
Christine Kluge | ckluge@yahoo.com | |
Lara Lapasta | lara@lynxinc.com | |
Bob Matros | thelizard@schoolofass.com | |
Krista Naujoks | knaujoks@hotmail.com | |
Don Sehulster | DSehulster@vts.edu | |
Charlene (née Taxter) Marx | marxf@nabisco.com | |
Garrett "Gary" Woolley | Usafwings2@aol.com | |
Class of 1989 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Joanie A. Ellison | jae213@is9.nyu.edu | |
Rob Burd | Ranger1022@aol.com, Burd@dmava.state.nj.us | |
Walter Ellis | WBEKAE@worldnet.att.net | |
Seana Cate Knox | liveluvlaugh@webtv.net, alt?:seanacate@yahoo.com | |
Jeff McComb | jmccomb55@yahoo.com | |
Sam Pusch | puschs2@yahoo.com | |
Susan L. Wall | slw70@aol.com | |
Class of 1990 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Steve Decker | Stephen_Decker@merck.com (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Rick Dunwell | rkdun@3lefties.com (address seems dead) | |
Elizabeth M. Klimkiewicz | emk@acsu.buffalo.edu | |
Sandie Kroohs | u1006542@warwick.net (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Rebecca Prosser | reprosser@hotmail.com, alt: rumple.minze@jungle.net | |
Margaret "Peg" Sewall | peg@womens-health.org | |
Tracie (née Tangen) McDougall | dougall@warwick.net | |
Roger Vorhis | rvorhis@ssgnet.com | |
Class of 1991 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Matthew Arnold | marnold@cs.rutgers.edu | Matthew Arnold |
Walter Matthew & Amy Martha Bowers Eberz | amb240@psu.edu | |
Zing Zing Awungshi Shishak | shishz@rpi.edu | Nagaland Home Page |
Class of 1993 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Christopher Prosser | chprosser@hotmail.com | |
Jeffrey Sewall | JS8578@cnsvax.albany.edu (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Class of 1994 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Ed Berlen | berlen@angelfire.com | |
Barisa Kayle Berner | barisa1@yahoo.com | |
Jeanelle Boyer | boyjean@lyco.lycoming.edu (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Beth Anne Brandies | orb@frontiernet.net | |
Jessica Butler | Jessica_Butler@brown.edu | |
Charlie Casey | cac152@psu.edu (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Christine Groh | cmg141@email.psu.edu | |
Bridget Matros | Freakmagnet.Matros@oberlin.edu | |
Katherine Turner | katst23@pitt.edu | |
Class of 1995 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Carl Arnold | ca5739@roberts.edu (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Heidi J. (née Brandies) Thurtle | heidi@thurtle.net, thurtle@frontiernet.net | http://www.thurtle.net/ |
Martin J. Burke, III | burmart@lyco.lycoming.edu | |
Jonathan Levine | Knives77@aol.com | |
Almira Overbey | overbe11@matrix.newpaltz.edu (unconfirmed but very likely) | |
Karl W. Schneck | kws119@psu.edu | Schneckland |
Class of 1996 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Andrea Dennis | dennisa@albsun3.alb.edu | |
Erik Hornung | citierik@yahoo.com | |
Maggie Tzakos | misstwinkles@hotmail.com | Miss Twinkles |
Class of 1997 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Norman S. deCarteret | nsdec@att.net | |
Class of 1999 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Arthur R. Becker | abecker_2000@yahoo.com, bdabe99@yahoo.com | |
Lisa M. Clark | lclark@ptdprolog.net | |
Class of 2000 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Erik Dilger | shohola979@yahoo.com | |
Jesse Lacika | jlacika@usa.net | Jesse's Guitars and More |
Ami Lovelace | shakes15@hotmail.com, or ami-k@usa.net | Shakes' Sanctuary |
Erin Luhrs | lurej@magiccarpet.com | |
Mike Millard | mmillard@usa.net | Mike's Milliards page |
Pam Predmore | pam_1@hotmail.com | |
Jen Szescula | spatch16@hotmail.com | |
Matt Schneck | kenchtahm@hotmail.com | Page Of Stuff |
Lindsay Steedman | lynzee@hotmail.com | |
Class of 2002 | ||
Name | email address | homepage |
Danielle Buckley | danib54321@aol.com | |
Jeff Luhrs | lurej@magiccarpet.com | |