Interesting English Language Trivia

Word definition links by, an service. Morphological variations ("-ed", for example) are assumed where appropriate.



The longest common (i.e., likely to appear in an unabridged dictionary) word "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (45)6;
The two longest one-syllable words in English "screeched" (9)2, "strengths" (9)2.
words which contain all five (or six, if you append "ly") vowels in alphabetical order "facetious"1, "abstemious"4, "annelidous"5, "arsenious"4
words which contain all five vowels in reverse alphabetical order "duoliteral"5, "subcontinental"5 "uncomplimentary"5
words which contain the longest strings of consonants14 "bergschrund" (6), "borschts" (6), "eschscholtzia" (6), "latchstring" (6), "weltschmerz" (6)
longest word with no repeated letters "uncopyrightable" (15)4
sentence containing seven spellings of the [i] ("ee") sound "He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas."
sentence containing nine ways the combination "ough" can be pronounced "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman
strode through the streets of Scarborough;
after falling into a slough,
he coughed and hiccoughed."
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with left hand9 "desegregated" (12), "desegregates" (12), "reverberated" (12), "reverberates" (12), "stewardesses" (12), "watercresses" (12)
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with right hand10 "homophony" (9), "homophyly" (9), "nonillion" (9), "pollinium" (9), "polyonomy" (9), "polyphony" (9)
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with alternating hands11 "dismantlement" (13)
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard on the top row ("qwertyuiop")7 "rupturewort" (11), "proterotype" (11)
longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard on the middle row ("asdfghjkl")8 "alfalfas" (11), "hadassah" (11)


words with two synonyms which are antonyms "cleave" ("adhere" and "separate")4
"cover" ("conceal" and "expose")13
"sanction" ("approve" and "prohibit" (colloquial))12
"transparent" ("hidden" (jargon) and "known" (jargon))15
"trim" ("garnish" and "prune")16
seemingly contradictory synonyms "flammable" and "inflammable"
"toxicant" and "intoxicant"
word describing the shape of the bubbles in beer foam "orthotetrachidecahedrons"4
origin of the word "checkmate" Persian phrase "Shah Mat", which means "the king is dead".4


Written Text

Letter Frequency List etaoinshrdlu17
Letter Frequency e(1/8)3.


1 according to ojo's memory. mail me at for more info.
2 according to the Fun Fact site, quoting Michael Baraz.
3 according to the Fun Fact site, quoting 2201 Fascinating Facts.
4 according to an email i received from linguist Kate Jolie.
5 according to the A.Word.A.Day mailing list, run by Anu Garg. "arterious" doesn't occur in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.
6 Thanks to Brian Neil Burg ( for correcting my spelling.
7 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found was the 11-letter word "proprietory", which doesn't appear at
8 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found were the 8-letter words "flagfall", "galagala", "galahads", and "haskalah", which don't appear in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.
9 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found were
the 12-letter words "aftereffects", "decerebrated", "decerebrates", "extravastate", "gazetteerage", "reasseverate", "terracewards", and "tessaradecad" and
the 13-letter words "aftercataract", "devertebrated", and "tesseradecade", which don't appear in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.
10 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found were
the 9-letter words "hypophyll", "lupulinum", "minikinly", "monophony", "nipponium", "okupukupu", "philliloo", "philonium", "polyonymy", and "polyphyly",
the 10-letter words "plynlymmon" and "polyphylly",
the 11-letter words "hypolimnion", "hypophyllum", and "polyphonium",
the 12-letter words "hypophyllium" and "miminypiminy", and
the 13-letter word "phyllophyllin",
which don't appear in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.
11 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found were the 13-letter words "antiendowment", "antisudorific", "autotoxicosis", and "neurotoxicity", which don't appear in The Hypertext Webster Gateway.
12 According to an email i received from Rayle Nathaniel, Note that the "prohibit" sense of "sanction" is colloquial, grown from a "legal sanction" or "legal enforcement".
13 According to an email i received from Norton Starr, "expose" is synonymous with the meaning of "cover" used in the example, "the professor will cover the proof in class".
14 Found in my "allwords.txt". Also found were several other words containing 6 consecutive consonants. Several were German or UNIX terms. "archchronicler" and "birththroe" seemed valid, but don't appear in The Hypertext Webster Gateway, and Knightsbridge is a proper noun.
15 According to an email i received from Norton Starr, Both the "hidden" and "known" senses are jaron, listed in The Hypertext Webster Gateway thru the FOLDOC, Free On-line Dictionary of Computing.
16 Thanks to Barb Lord,, for pointing this out.
17 Thanks to Mitch Silverstein, for pointing out my mistake (i had swapped the "a" and "o").

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