Ojo's Favorite Names
Just a quick list of my favorite names.
- Ariadne - Greek Mythology. Pron.: air-ee-od'-nee. Name of the daughter of Minos and Pasiphae who
gave Theseus the thread with which to find his way out of the Minotaur's Labyrinth.
- Athene - Greek Mythology. Pron.: eh-thee'-neh. A variant of the Greek Athena, goddess of wisdom
and the arts.
- Cielle - (extrapolated) French. Pron.: see-el'. Name of the daughter of Veronique, a French
woman i know. Sortof a female extrapolation of "ciel", the French masculine noun for "sky" or "heaven".
- Cosette - French. Pron.: co-zet'. Name of girl in Victor Hugo's Les Misèrable.
- Eratosthenes - Greek. Pron.: ehr-eh-tahs'-then-ees. Mathematician who lived circa BC250.
- Etienne - French. Pron.: et-ee-en'. Male name ("standard" French orthography would
suggest that this name is feminine, the masculine version being "Etien". In this case, this
form is almost universally masculine and "Etiennette" is used for the feminine).
- Kembra - Don't know the origin. Kembra Pfahler is a wacky musician.
- Lorelei - Name of Marilyn Monroe's2
character in Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes2, named for a Siren3.
- Measure - One of the sons of Mr. Miller in
Orson Scott
Card's Seventh Son
- Nicollette - My prefered spelling of actor Nicolette Sheridan's first name.
- Page or Paige - Beats me. I suppose it's from the middle english job title.
- Shailagh - Irish Gaelic. Pron.: shay'-la. Name of an ex-coworker at
- Skylar - Dunno.
- Themis - Greek for "honest".
- Tuesday - Day of the week named after Norse god of war and sky, Tiu.
- Velleity - English. Pron.: veh-lee-eh-tee. Volition at its lowest level. A mere wish or inclination.
- Veronique - French. Pron.: vehr-ahn-eek' (French r). Name of a French woman i know, mother to
- Zoe - Greek for "life".
1Book links provided in association with 
2Movie links to the Internet Movie Database (imDb)
3Great thanks to J. Silber, jsilber@CapAccess.org, who pointed me in the right direction, in which i
found this (from Lore & Legends):
Along the Rhine River near Sankt Goarshausen, Germany, is a rock associated with the legend of a young maiden
named Lorelei. She threw herself into the river in despair over a faithless lover and was transformed into a siren,
a creature whose hypnotic music lured fishermen to destruction.
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